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// Yor Orbital Relay v0.8.37 :: SCL2

Carnath Prime

A mining backwater at the edge of rimspace. What charms Carnath lacks in its hostile, high-pressure methane-rich atmosphere it makes up for in vast rare-earth metal deposits. Its government, known locally as the Corpo-Triad, is run by a coalition of the three corporations that shared the initial colony creation costs decades ago. TeraTek Amalgamate handles most of the planet’s lucrative mining operations, Falsa Robotics builds and supplies work and service androids, while XeroCorp specializes in security and military R&D.

All three include dozens of sub-companies and subsidiaries through which they inflate the price of goods and rents, and curtail the mobility of the human labour force. Their control is nearly total.

On the mine-scarred surface, there is little human presence save Carnath Prime: a cluth of steel grey bubble domes gathered like blisters on the barren rock. Beneath lavish fortified towers for the corporate elite, 80,000 inhabitants eke out their lives in the cramped apartment complexes and filthy tunnels of the aging dome city.

Most live paycheck to paycheck with little hope for advancement, in constant fear of methane leaks. Between the byzantine bureaucracy of processing citizen-employee requests and price hikes, most never make it off-world.

Prison Station Echo

The oldest of six near-identical, prefabricated XeroCorp prisons scattered across the small moons and asteroids orbiting Carnath. Echo was once the jewel in the XeroCorp prison empire, a showroom of XeroCorp's humanism and state-of-the-art rehabilitative strategies outside of the core systems.

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