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// Yor Orbital Relay v0.8.37 :: SCL2


For the most part, the planet of Murandal is a barren ice rock. From space, its surface appearing as a mixture of swirling greys and browns. The majority of the planet is covered by thick ice caps, and a somewhat alkaline ocean below. The planet’s diameter is roughly 13,000 km / 8080 miles, and has gravity just slightly higher than that of Earth. The planet is situated roughly 14 AU from the local star, a blue giant.

The planet is located in a particularly inactive portion of rimspace surrounded by systems that have yet to be colonized in any capacity. It exists in databases largely as a reference number from initial survey scans when probes first scouted the system. The Foundation initially established operations on this planet due to its remote nature, eager to establish yet another hidden research outpost, and spying potential within the planet’s oceans.

The planetary atmosphere is breathable, though prolonged exposure will result in mildly toxic effects. Weather tends towards heavy cloud cover, and near constant sleet fall. “Ice dust” covers almost everything with time if left unattended.

The ice sheets covering the planet around 1km / 0.6 miles thick, and the ocean below is both pitch black, no sunlight breaches the ice, and freezing particularly freezing, around -4°C / 25°F. The water is slightly alkaline and filled with large quantities of reflective detritus picked up from the ocean floor, a black, flaky expanse.

The only life on the surface are bacteria, and the largest and most complex life within the ocean are small crab-like creatures, while a variety of mossy plants dot the ocean floor.

Site 24 - "Choi Labs"


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