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// Yor Orbital Relay v0.8.37 :: SCL2

Carpathia (Recovery Site)

The Carpathia was a large freighter that was stolen from a Foundation facility several decades ago. After its sudden reappearance in the Icarus system, the ship was recovered before it could collide with the system's star. The life support system of the ship had recycled various gases and liquids for many years, and was close to breaking point as it expended all its energy to keep the ship cool.

Examination of the ship's jump drive revealed that a leak had caused it to make many jumps across the known universe, some of which could not be plotted on any known charts. The crew quarters revealed a disturbing story of mutation, cloning, and religious fanaticism. Mutated skeletal remains were found in the cryo chambers, with some individuals having three eyes or four arms. It was determined that the crew had repurposed the chambers into cloning vats in an attempt to extend their lives. One of the vats had been smashed open from the inside. The arrangement of the corpses and the symbols within the crew quarters suggested that one of the crew-members had founded a new religion with themselves as god.
