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// Yor Orbital Relay v0.8.37 :: SCL2


The Icarus system is a binary star system located in the outer rim of the galaxy. It is composed of two stars, one of which is a blue giant, with a spectral type of O8V, and the other is a red dwarf, with a spectral type of M4V. The system is situated roughly 50 light-years away from Earth and is believed to be around 100 million years old.

The Icarus system is home to a number of planets and moons, but only a few have been explored in detail. Murandal, the largest planet in the system, is a barren ice rock, with a slightly alkaline ocean below thick ice caps. Other planets in the system include the gas giant Akkadia, and the rocky planet Hydoros.


For the most part, the planet of Murandal is a barren ice rock. From space, its surface appearing as a mixture of swirling greys and browns. The majority of the planet is covered by thick ice caps, and a somewhat alkaline ocean below. The planet’s diameter is roughly 13,000 km / 8080 miles, and has gravity just slightly higher than that of Earth. The planet is situated roughly 14 AU from the local star, a blue giant.

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Carpathia (Recovery Site)

The Carpathia was a large freighter that was stolen from a Foundation facility several decades ago. After its sudden reappearance in the Icarus system, the ship was recovered before it could collide with the system's star. The life support system of the ship had recycled various gases and liquids for many years, and was close to breaking point as it expended all its energy to keep the ship cool.

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