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// Yor Orbital Relay v0.8.37 :: SCL2

Mission Log

The Foundation

Compound Fracture

Aosta has received reports that XeroCorp is testing an anomalous substance, Compound X187, on prisoners. He wants a sample of the compound and XeroCorp's drives wiped clean.

Shaky Foundations

Several containment and security breaches over the past fifty years now appear linked. Director Aosta would like this mystery solved before the O5 council starts asking questions he can't answer.

Bones and Videotape

A field team equipped with a prototype video camera to record unusual energy signatures has failed to return from an expedition into a structure of unknown origin.

Prospero's Dream


The Stratemeyer Syndicate has captured a Teamster Fleet. Reidmar is demanding that Yandee send in Tempest Co. to rescue them.

In the meantime, he has sent you to retrieve a Stratemeyer agent from prison.

Far from Home

Undina, Kruger's daughter, claims they are refugees from the other side of the Milky Way. Her people call themselves the Vaylen.

She'll give up her father's rat ship if it will reunite her family.

Keeping an Eye on Carnath

Angus is aware of your excursion to the prison. He's asked you to upload a bug to the station's systems.

One-Year-Dry Dock

The Dream's dockmaster, Loshe, is tired of being left in the dark. He's willing to share information as long as the crew keeps him in the loop.

Doptown Blues

Imogene Kane and her Hunglungs are leading a resistance movement to free the residents of The Choke. Most recently, she was seen meeting with Kruger at The Stellar Burn.


Let light shine on the afflicted // cast mercy upon the deep // feed the hungry // ransom our prisoners // raise up the sick // banish the dark places